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Glyceria maxima

LHPrism Status 
Tier 1 - Threat
Species Type 

Glyceria maxima: Reed manna grass

Plant Identification:

  • Growth form: bisexual, perennial and rhizomatous grass that are characterized as big, hairless, cespitous, and can reach 2.5 meters in height
  • Leaf: leaf sheaths have prominent midribs, visible transverse veins and are closed near the top. Leaf blades are flat but a little bit rough when large, shallowly grooved with prominent midribs, cut and pointed in the middle with short, stiff hairs on the margins
  • Flower: spikelets usually 4-9 flowered, 6-12 mm long, and compressed on the sides
  • Inflorescence: panical which can be opened or contracted and are symetrical. Branches have short, stiff hairs similar to those on the leaf margins

For more information about reed manna grass identification, please visit:

For more information about reed manna grass best management practices, please visit:

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