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Apply For Projects or Funding

CLOSED for 2018

Request for Proposals

One avenue of success for the Lower Hudson PRISM is to contract out projects that need more comprehensive work. An annual request for proposals (RFP) is issued in January each year. Some of the contracted projects include surveying, treating or managing high threat invasive species in the Lower Hudson Region, while others develop or provide educational and outreach material for targeted audiences. 

Applications are due Monday March 12, 2018 at 9:00 AM Eastern.

If you have any questions or problems completing your application, please email invasives (at) for assistance.

Request for Control Projects

Every year the Invasives Strike Force takes on invasive species control projects of local and regional importance.  The four-person crew uses the best management practices available to address approved projects at no cost to the landowner.  The crew is licensed to apply herbicides in forest, roadside and residential areas but not in wetlands. Anyone in the PRISM region is welcome to submit the completed application and landowner permission form to invasives no later than January 5th, 2018.  Applicants will be notifed on the status of their proposal by January 22nd, 2018.

Please note that if a species is found on the Lower Hudson Species Categorization list you do not need to fill out the New York State Invasive Plant Ranking Form.  If the plant is not found on the Species Categorization list, all three forms should be completed. If you are filling out the NYS Invasive Plant Ranking form, complete it to the best of your ability with whatever information is known.

 If you have any questions or problems completing your application, please email invasives (at) for assistance.